Brushes and technique, Jakarta Utara Mal
Digital painting of Artha Gading Mall in North Jakarta
I always say to my friend Harry that I'll paint every location I visit. And since now I'm in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and had a chance to go to this luxurious mall last week with my girlfriend Sury, I try to paint the view in my laptop. Why watercolor? The story goes like this: I'm currently reading a wonderful book, Mastering Atmosphere and Mood, by Australian watercolor artist Joseph Zbukvic. The book is so inspiring and his watercolor work is simply amazing. Because I don't have watercolor paints and brushes at home, I try to do it digitally using a watercolor brush set available here. Unzip the file and import the ABR file to your Photoshop.

Here is a quick tutorial on how I do it. Remember that this painting doesn't trace a photograph nor edit a picture. This is all done in mouse handling, starting with a blank canvas. Leave a comment if you have questions.

Watercolor lesson and download the brush set to make brushstrokes